To upload background images for your notifications follow the guide below:
1. Click here to Register an account on Publitio (image cloud service)
2. Log in to your Popify dashboard account, select "Settings" from the side menu and scroll to -> "image cloud api settings".
- Paste the api key and the secret key from the Publitio dashboard to the Popify dashboard.
3. Click on "save changes".
4. Go to Popify dashboard and create/edit any notification.
5. Click on the 3rd "Design" step.
6. Scroll to the "Background pattern upload" section and click on "Choose file".
Choose the background image you would like to import and click on the "Upload image" button to start uploading the file.
7. The Cropping window will open up.
Use the zoom scroll bar at the bottom and drag the white frame to cover the position you want to use as a background image .
Then click on "Crop&Save".
8. The background image cropping will be saved and be updated on your notification preview.
Check this video on how to upload background images: