All Categories Features & Settings How to create a recent orders notification with Popify?

How to create a recent orders notification with Popify?

To create a recent orders notifications at your shop, follow the steps below:

1) Make sure you have at least one order placed already at your shop, you can check it from your Shopify dashboard:


2) After you validate that, go to Popify dashboard and click on the "New notification" button:


3) Select the "customer activity" notification type:


4) You can set on what page to show the notification, the notification placement and the product image shape. 

When you're done, click on the Next button:


5) On the design step, you can tweak the notification design as you wish.


When you're done, click on the "Launch" button at the bottom of the screen.

*** Popify will get your current orders from your shop and will get updated and get new orders once a day from the moment you created the notification.

Check this video tutorial on how to create a recent orders notification with Popify:

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